cura: 1. spiritual charge: care. 2. to restore to health and soundness, to bring about recovery: cure. 3. Root of the word “curator” in Latin; one who is responsible for the care of souls, later, one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit. 4. instrument with two or three strings that is used in folk music. 5. small sparrow. 6. the name of a short story written by Cevat Sakir Kabaagacli, also known as the Fisherman of Halicarnassus (A Flower Thrown to the Sea from the Aegean, 1972). 7. “The double sense of cura refers to care for something as concern, absorption in the world, but also care in the sense of devotion” Martin Heidegger

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Midilli'de No Borders Kampi/ No Borders Camp in Lesvos

Turkiye kiyilarindan Ege Denizindeki Yunan Adalarina ve Yunanistan'a gecmeye calisan multecilere karsi sertlesen, insan haklarina karsi kosullarin tartisilacagi ve adadaki gozalti merkezinde eylemlerin duzenlenecegi bir kamp (25 - 31 Agustos)

* multecilik durumu yaratan yeni emperyalizm politikalarina karsi
* sinir idaresi ve baski+kontrol pratiklerine karsi
* gocun suclastirilmasina karsi
* gozalti merkezleri ve gocmen/ multecilerin insan haklarinin ihlaline karsi
* gocmen emeginin somurulmesine karsi