cura: 1. spiritual charge: care. 2. to restore to health and soundness, to bring about recovery: cure. 3. Root of the word “curator” in Latin; one who is responsible for the care of souls, later, one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit. 4. instrument with two or three strings that is used in folk music. 5. small sparrow. 6. the name of a short story written by Cevat Sakir Kabaagacli, also known as the Fisherman of Halicarnassus (A Flower Thrown to the Sea from the Aegean, 1972). 7. “The double sense of cura refers to care for something as concern, absorption in the world, but also care in the sense of devotion” Martin Heidegger

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Measure: a yoghurt cup

1 cup yoghurt
1 cup sugar
2 cups flour
3/4 cup sun flower oil

4 eggs
1 package vanilla sugar
1 package backing powder

1kg plums (or apricots or nectarines)

1) seperate the yolk from the albumen
2) whisk stiff the albumen
3) mix yolk + yoghurt + sugar + vanilla sugar
4) add slowly the oil
5) add the flower and the baking powder
6) slowly add the whisk stiff
7) put the dough into a pan and place the plums on top

Bake it with 180degrees at least 25 min.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Privatization of Natural Water Resources/ Mari Spirito

Mari Spirito is working with organizations taking action against the privatization of natural water resoruces. Here are some links from her related to the issue:

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bodrum Town and Village Populations

Bodrum Town and Village Populations


Bodrum Center 26.297


Bitez 7.792
Göltürkbükü 7.288
Gümüşlük 7.480
Gündoğan 8.021
Konacık 5.074
Mumcular 1.175
Ortakent-Yahşi 6.634
Turgutreis 18.471
Yalı 3.516
Yalıkavak 14.454
TOTAL 79.635

TOWN TOTAL 105.932


Akyarlar 8.479
Bahçeyakası 659
Çamlık 250
Çömlekçi 630
Dağbelen 385
Dereköy 1.214
Gökpınar 202
Gürece 498
Güvercinlik 2.158
İslamhaneleri 3.185
Kemer 409
Kumköy 336
Mazıky 1.094
Peksimet 2.904
Pınarbelen 917
Sazköy 945
Tepecik 242
Yakaköy 669
Yeniköy 559


Between june and august the population reaches approximately 1.000.000

Statistics taken from
Bodrum Yarimadasinin Cevresel ve Yapısal Gelecegi Sempozyumu, 2008.

Sunday, August 10, 2008



Considering the millions of problems which are affecting the world nowadays, I do belive that the education is the unique and more effective solution to start changing the situation. One of these problems can be found in Gölköy, Bodrum (TR) because of the irresponsible cosume of the local resources by the tourists and the tourist managers. Maybe is a little bit late to recover part of the coast, but not for show next generations how to use and conserve the natural heritage.

One of the most effective methodologies I've ever worked with is the Visual Thinking and I would like to write down some of the webs where you could find more information about it... İt is just one suggestion for beginning:

Marina García Rodríguez

Friday, August 8, 2008

Tourism and people

Tourism is said to be the world's largest employer. It plays a crucial role in world economics and has a significant impact on many people's lives - but this economic impact has been relatively little studied. It is also hard to quantify less tangible impacts such as the effects of tourism on local cultures. These impacts can be both positive and negative. For example, in many countries of the South, a culture of beach boys has developed which is in stark contrast to their own traditions and customs and this in turn creates conflict in their societies. On the positive side, tourism can encourage pride in local traditions and support local arts and crafts. Tourism brings income to the local communities and supports employment. It can, however, also cause price hikes, especially in land and food, which may be disproportionate to the earnings of the local people.

more at


Poverty alleviation has become an essential condition for peace, environmental conservation and sustainable development, besides being an ethical obligation in an affluent world, where the divide between poor and rich nations seems to have increased in recent years. According to the UNDP 2006 Annual Report, 2.5 billion people live on less than US$ 2 a day. Despite a growing world economy many people in developing countries are not reaping the potential benefits of globalization.

The potential for tourism to play a significant role in the alleviation of poverty is increasingly recognised by international bodies and national governments. Its geographical expansion and labour intensive nature support a spread of employment and can be particularly relevant in remote and rural areas where many of the poor live. UNWTO statistics show the growing strength of the tourism industry for developing countries. In 2005, international tourism receipts for developing countries (low income, lower and upper middle income countries) amounted to US$ 203 billion. Tourism is one of the major export sectors of developing countries, and is the primary source of foreign exchange earnings in 46 of the 49 Least Developed Countries.

more at

Monday, August 4, 2008